film di Johnny: una frase che ricordate particolarmente

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  1. ~Aeryn

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  2. Giuly96ZA/Depp

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    CITAZIONE (~Aeryn @ 29/6/2012, 14:42) 

    :kis: :kis: :kis:
  3. ~Aeryn

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  4. Hazelnut_2

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    Oddio! Questa è molto ardua!!
    Da brava infognata con i film in lingua originale vi scrivo un mix di citazioni in italiano e in inglese! Quelle che mi vengono a getto adesso!
    La prima, parte della quale sta per diventare un mio tatuaggio, da Blow: "Anyway, may the wind always be at your back, and the sun always upon your face, and may the wings of destiny carry you aloft to dance with the stars."

    Da Secret Window: "Chicooo! Non disperareee"

    Da Edward Shissorhands: "Hold me" - "I can't"

    Da the Libertine: "That is it. That is my prologue, nothing in rhyme, no protestations of modesty, you were not expecting that I hope. I am John Wilmot, Second Earl of Rochester and I do not want you to like me."

    Sempre da The Libertine:"So here he lies at the last. The deathbed convert. The pious debuchee. Could not dance a half measure, could I? Give me wine, I drain the dregs and toss the empty bottle at the world. Show me our Lord Jesus in agony and I mount the cross and steal his nails for my own palms. There I go, shuffling from the world. My dribble fresh upon the Bible. I look upon a pinhead and I see angels dancing. Well? Do you like me now?"

    Non sono proprio le mie citazioni preferite ma quelle che adesso sul momento ricordo meglio!!
93 replies since 13/9/2009, 08:27   883 views